You have to ask yourself loads if questions all the time when you're a professional artist. Like, "Why do people buy art?"
I think there has to be a significance in more than the visual. That is why I enjoy explaining why a scene was painted.
It is a lot like reading other people's blogs or following their Pinterest- you've found a connection with them and they are likely to provide you with more content that you already liked before.
Like this small painting. This is a pretty good little watercolor I've made if the Old State House here in Dover, Delaware. There's more to it than a being fairly representative of the building. It is a small painting just 3-1/2 x 5 inches. But it is painted on only 2 colors, burnt sienna & ultramarine blue. At the time, I was rebelling against reality. It was painted in mid-March 2013, I am/was grieving for my spouse, who passed away January 14, 3 months before. I've since begun to paint with yellows & reds (spring happened) but I just had to be painting. It is what Kelly would want & it felt better to paint.
So, besides the fact that this beautifully restored Georgian style building that was built in 1791 and was in continuous use by the First State's government until 1933- now, you know more & may feel something of a connection.
This is why artists need blogs.