Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Old State House bell ringing 13 times (once for each Colony) and the reading of the Declaration of Independence.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Write About ART

My #artstudio today. Time to write about ART. 

I have been rearranging paints and art supplies in my studio just a little every day. I built a new very small watercolor kit today. I will show it to you tomorrow. 

This little piece was a drop the color wet on wet thing I did the other day with my new M Graham watercolors. And today I filled my new Goulet Noodler's pen with Lexington Grey ink and wrote on top of my tiny sample - the topic for today's post and doing as it said to do, well, here we are!

Also in the picture is a small stegosaurus from that came free with an order last year. And my pack of Robert Crumb's "Les AS du Musette" trading cards. These are some little treasures that I leave laying around to inspire!

What's your art desk like?

New work up on Red Bubble.